Studio Visit: Carla Viparelli
Studio Visit: Umar Rashid
Studio Visit: David DiMichele (Part 1)
Studio Visit: Jody Zellen
Studio Visit: Don Bachardy
Studio Visit: Mercedes Dorame
Studio Visit: Nasim Hantehzadeh
Studio Visit: Eve Wood
Studio Visit: Jimi Gleason
Studio Visit: James Griffith
Studio Visit: Kaz Oshiro
Studio Visit: Alexandra Wiesenfeld
Studio Visit: Tim Youd
Studio Visit: Jon Peterson
Studio Visit: Patty Wickman
Studio Visit: Constance Mallinson, Between Wonder and Despair
Studio Visit: Alexandra Grant, Antigone and the Body Politic
Studio Visit: Russell Crotty, The Penumbra of Existence
How the World & Time Intersect, Visiting the Studio of Susan Ossman
Studio Visit: Justin Bower, A Face in Time
Studio Visit: Mei Xian Qiu, Ephemerality, Magic and Rebirth
Studio Visit: Kiel Johnson, The Animated World of Everything
Studio Visit: Ron Athey, Undoing the Morbid Body of Christian Guilt
Studio Visit: Andi Campognone, Mechanisms of Change