Celeste Korthase Los Angeles CA Age 74
What keeps you excited in the studio? Trying this trying that. Different materials. Not following. Making art that make one feel something.
Looking back at your trajectory as an artist, how would you say your work has developed? Better than I expected. My career has been a confluence of art and design. I do restaurant interiors. I walk a tightrope bursting at the seams to offer creative solutions in a tract home mindset of designers and owners. I do this so I can paint / make /work what I want.
What role do you think the artist has in today’s society? Shake things up. Present ideas differently. Amuse. A place I can express rage. My brother Tim says we will be mining landfill in a hundred years. I disagree…I say 50. Everything I do involves repurposed items, materials….. even construction waste. Using this allows me to keep rage in check.
What’s the most important advice you could give to an aspiring artist? Connect connect connect. Meet people. Connect with them. Artists photographers actors models teachers people who go to work at regular jobs rocket, rocket scientists… People from all walks of life. Being interested makes one interesting. It makes it easier to connect when it really matters. Because… We just can’t arrive at a gallery with a van full of paintings.
Does age matter in art? Why or why not? Yes. It takes awhile to produce body of work. Many have to also work at something else…. it shows dedication. Passion. When someone older keeps working…keeps creating…there isn’t an energetic force driving it. Even when one’s knee hurts and exhaustion hits.
What can we look forward to from you next? More more more. A collision of 40 years work and odd collapse of the interior design world. I have more ideas and paintings in my head than my lifetime will support. I just want the consumer society to know that their grandchildren will be mining landfill in 50 years.
Is there anything else you would like to share about being an artist later in life? I am the same. I ignore what hurts and push on. My “straight job” is art and design.

Good box 36 x48. Wallcovering scraps grasscloth paint on board made from box machinery came in. Self edge. Edges saw cut from painting and nailed on edges