Artist in Action, 2024
Cristi Lyon Los Angeles, CA Age 63
What keeps you excited in the studio? Solving puzzles.
Looking back at your trajectory as an artist, how would you say your work has developed? I started drawing as an animation final line artist. Which means very constructed, very controlled. I’ll never be able to abandon form but I’m always searching for the casual mark that implies more than it is. Intimations rather than blueprints.
What role do you think the artist has in today’s society? I don’t know… don’t really think about it.
What’s the most important advice you could give to an aspiring artist? Do what you do to the best of your ability and get it out there when it’s ready.
Does age matter in art? Why or why not? Yes. I’m less dazzled by flash. I look for honesty in my own work and others.
What can we look forward to from you next? I like doing still life. So more of those. Portraits are a fun challenge. Printmaking is on the horizon.
Is there anything else you would like to share about being an artist later in life? I’ve always done art work and simply find myself now and artist in later life. I like the view from here.
cristilyon.com @cristi_lyon
Tributaries of Sky, Oil on paper, 22 x 30″ 2023