Daryl Bibicoff Valencia CA Age 62
What keeps you excited in the studio? Having a separate space that is specifically a creative space with all my tools, supplies and technology is exciting.
Looking back at your trajectory as an artist, how would you say your work has developed? My work has developed over lifelong experiences since I first did some childhood crayon drawings on the wall inside my closet. Over the span of my life, I have been fortunate to work in many disciplines including graphic design, ceramics, sculpture, glass fusion, drawing, painting, and digital art. As a former competitive athlete and art educator, the combination of all my experiences has played a role in the development of of my work.
What role do you think the artist has in today’s society? Today, an artist’s role in society is sharing their creativity and processes along with stories and content supporting the artwork. Additionally, artists really need to contribute to community and culture. Of the many avenues, artists can find their place supporting art through organizations, shows, exhibitions, and social media. Indeed, many artists find through necessity or need they artistically community as social commentary or for physical or mental health purposes. Lastly, artists often are on the forefront of problem solving on an academic level through notions, theories, and philosophies.
What’s the most important advice you could give to an aspiring artist? Do not hesitate to make time to freely be expressive and creative. Always keep your focus on creating really good art. Always be on an artistic journey to grow as an artist. Finally, practice, practice, practice and push yourself.
Does age matter in art? Why or why not? No. Artists need not be limited by ageism. Regardless of age, artists create work that moves people in different ways. Artists create artwork because it means something or resonates with someone. Art is more about creative process, following your heart, being kind and often fearless.
What can we look forward to from you next? Growing as an Artist through community, art and culture. Finding Fitting residency in the near future is definitely a goal. This hopefully leads to a solo exhibition.
Is there anything else you would like to share about being an artist later in life? Creating art keeps you young, helps you thrive, and positively contribute to the world.
https://darylbibicoff.com/ @darylbibicoff
The Power of Wonder in Motion, 30×40 inches 2024