Me at my wheel, photo by Mark Dektor
David Stone Los Angeles CA Age 69
What keeps you excited in the studio? Creating and the love of process.. The act of the making for me far exceeds the joy of the finished piece….
Looking back at your trajectory as an artist, how would you say your work has developed? I was a simple potter when I started, and I am a simple potter now. The one thing that has been a constant in my work and creative life is the joy of expression, my own and every other creative individual I encounter.
What role do you think the artist has in today’s society? I honestly believe the roll of an artist is to be true to their own personal vision. I see myself much more as a crafts person than an artist, though I feel my craft is extremely artistic.
What’s the most important advice you could give to an aspiring artist? To truly fulfill your potential, you need to master your craft, if it is painting, sculpting, or just making wares. Until your technique is honed to a high level, you will not be able to produce the idea that your mind is visioning. Creativity is in your mind, producing that vision through your hands, is the discipline that comes from the mastery of technique. Unless you have that mastery, you are relying on the “Happy Accident”, or something else to produce the piece.
Does age matter in art? Why or why not? No, age is completely irrelevant….. Because creativity is ageless.
What can we look forward to from you next? More of the same. I will continue to create until I can no longer pic up a piece of clay…… My work might get smaller, but I’ll never stop creating and making.
Is there anything else you would like to share about being an artist later in life? I think creating art is the finest act of life anyone can participate in. Creating art is truly the one and only thing that is unique to humanity. Many other sentient creatures use language, tools, manipulate their environments. But only mankind creates art for the sake of pure decoration. Only humans make art for arts sake. It’s our greatest connection to whatever great spirit you might want to connect to.
Allegory Teapot – Clay, 19”x 10”x 6” Photo courtesy of the artist