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A Feminist Exhibition with a strong statement; “The personal is still political!”


Gianni Arone

We Choose Art | A Feminist Perspective 2.0

Saturday, May 21 7:00 – 11:00 PM The exhibition runs through June 5th

MUZEUMM 4817 W Adams Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90016

Daena Title

Daena Title

Following in the footsteps of community, political and identity-driven feminist artists Judy Chicago, The Guerilla Girls, Cindy Sherman, Jenny Saville and Micol Hebron, We Choose Art | A Feminist Perspective 2.0 is a group show that explores the vibrant, creative culture of feminist artists working today. Curated by Art Historian Kristine Schomaker and Curator Baha Danesh the exhibition opens Saturday May 21st 7-11pm at MuzeuMM and also features live performances by Fleur the Tease, Odious Ari, and Eric Czuleger.

Work in the show by Bibi Davidson figuratively yells “It’s none of your business!” and videos by Austin Young emphasize radical authenticity. Daena Title’s paintings reflect the ongoing love/hate relationship between women, social standards and self-esteem, while multi-ethnic sculptor Kimberly Morris examines her position in the diaspora through the lens of beauty. Virginia Broersma uses the human form to disrupt the power structures of the gaze.

Emerging in the late 1960s, women sought to change the conversation in the art world by presenting work that challenged the viewer to see the world from a women’s perspective. Feminist Art seeks equality for women in the social and political landscape.

Participating artists include: Austin Young, Baha Danesh, Bibi Davidson, Bill Pacak, Cathi Milligan, Ching Ching Cheng, Daena Title, Deidre Sullivan-Beeman, Diane Williams, Emilie Carroll, Gianni Arone, Irma Barbosa, Jenifer Yeuroukis, Kimberly Morris, Kristine Schomaker, Lena Moross, Poline Shooshani, Sheli Silverio, Victoria Sebanz and more to be announced.

Kim Morris

Kim Morris


Kristine Schomaker is a curator, art historian and artist living and working at the Brewery Artist Community in Los Angeles. She received a BA in Art History and Masters in Studio Art from CSU Northridge. She has an active life in the arts, previously teaching art history at Antelope Valley College and Pasadena City College, forming an artist collective in Los Angeles and organizing and curating numerous art exhibitions. Most recently, she founded Shoebox PR to help visual artists create a presence in the art world. Kristine was recently the President, social media, advertising and marketing manager of the Brewery Artwalk Association. Shoebox PR believes in supporting artists, creating community and building bridges in the art world.

Baha Danesh is a curator, artist and Iranian feminist advocate living and working in Los Angeles. She is the founder of the art collective “L’art Pour L’art,” owner of the contemporary art website and gallery director of the I-5 Gallery located within the Brewery Art Complex. We Choose Art is a collaborative community of thought and expression, where each individual can share their creative input of why artists do what they do. Their mission is to globally document a vibrant and artistic culture for tomorrow’s unique future.

MuzeuMM is a daring new art gallery that opened in October 2009. It is located in the West Adams neighborhood of Los Angeles, a burgeoning creative enclave located directly between the gallery districts of downtown and Culver City.

jenifer yeuroukis

jenifer yeuroukis


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