Art and About: Selected Art Events Outside of L.A.
From Pepperdine to Santa Barbara Compiled by Jennifer Susan Jones
Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, Pepperdine, Malibu To April 1, 2018 Alexis Smith: Private Lives and Public Affairs For over 40 years, Alexis Smith’s art has explored the depths of popular culture. She begins with an array of images—ranging from thrift-store finds to nostalgic advertisements—and juxtaposes them with poetic and poignant texts. Her art underscores how the media shapes our self-image and reminds us that meaning is often fugitive and always surprising.

Alexis Smith: Private Lives and Public Affairs; Photo courtesy of Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art
Kwan Fong Gallery, Cal Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks To April 5, 2018 Time Traveler: Compass Join the artist, Rotem Reshef, visiting from Tel Aviv, and the curator Sagi Refael at the reception for this iteration of Time Traveler. A site-specific installation of enormous interwoven scrolls by artist Rotem Reshef, the exhibition highlights our interaction with, and interpretation of, the four seasons. “Time Traveler: Compass” invites the audience to explore and contemplate the potential of art to be an inspiring vessel that is relevant to our everyday lives, as a commentary and as a vehicle to promote personal and cultural growth.

Rotem Reshef, Time Traveler: Compass, Kwan Fong Gallery; Photo courtesy of the gallery
William Rolland Gallery of Fine Art, Cal Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks To April 12, 2018 Siona Benjamin: Blue like Me Indian-born, New York-based artist Siona Benjamin creates a unique visual language that presents her transcultural, transnational view of the world. Her work is a reflection of her diverse background and the occupation of liminal space between old and new worlds of culture and intersectionality.

Siona Benjamin, Blue like Me, William Rolland Gallery of Fine Art; Photo courtesy of the gallery
Blackboard Gallery, Camarillo March 29 – April 28, 2018 Reception: April 7, 4pm to 6pm Artist Talk: April 21, 1:30pm LAX Wax Art, International Encaustic Artists (IEA) This exhibition will examine Everything That Is Solid as expressed through the ancient medium of encaustic. Encaustic exemplifies the notion of Solid through the physical properties of density, weight and structure but unlike other phases of matter, encaustic begins its journey to Solid from a liquid phase.

LAX Wax Art, International Encaustic Artists (IEA), Blackboard Gallery; Photo courtesy of the gallery
Sessions at the Loft Art Gallery, Camarillo February, 2018 Christopher Ward and Fred Ward – Photography: CUBA: CROSSROADS Christopher Ward is a photographer and author as well as a multi-platinum producer and composer. Christopher’s award-winning images have been published in Vogue and National Geographic. Fred Ward’s iconic photographs have become part of the American experience for more than five decades. His images of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Elvis and the Beatles are imbedded in our lives. Fred passed away last summer of Alzheimer’s.

Christopher Ward and Fred Ward, CUBA: CROSSROADS, Sessions at the Loft Art Gallery, Camarillo; Photograph by Christopher Ward
Carnegie Art Museum, Oxnard To February 18, 2018 Expressions of Life / Ricardo Palavecino Over 40 portraits selected from the photographer’s continuing documentary series, which reveals the distinctiveness of individuals, showcase the human spirit. Cinematographer, videographer, and photographer, Palavecino has created imagery for an extensive list of television networks and production companies including: Reuters, Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, Sony Pictures, Sundance Channel, and KCET’s Departures.

Ricardo Palavecino, Expressions of Life, Carnegie Art Museum, Oxnard; Photograph by Ricardo Palavecino
CAM Studio Gallery (adjacent to the Carnegie), Oxnard To April 30, 2018 Guest Studio Artist, Dominga Opazo, a graduate of UC Berkeley arts program, this young artist is gaining recognition for her fiber art and printmaking.
To May 31, 2018 Guest Studio Artists, Brian Puamier and Jaime Bailon. Teaming up these two photographers with roots in Oxnard and El Rio, under the guidance of lead photographer Brian Paumier, will be developing an on-going photographic collective at CAM Studio primarily for photographers of the Oxnard Plain. Sale of photographic zines and images to benefit CAM Studio programs.

Dominga Opazo, CAM Studio Gallery; Photo courtesy of the gallery
Oxnard College, McNish Gallery To February 28th, 2018 INVERTED REALITIES Group Exhibition Curator: Gul Cagin Participating artists: Nicole Cohen-Partipilo, oddviz collective, Osvaldo Trujillo, Amy Green, Roni Feldman, Kio Griffith, Gul Cagin, Jennifer Celio, Sijia Chen, Dani Dodge, Ed Gomez, Jenny Hager, Brian Thomas Jones, Alison Woods, David Leapman, Sean Noyce, Ty Pownall, Max Presneill, David Spanbock, Valerie Wilcox, Steven Wolkoff. Oxnard College’s McNish Art Gallery is an integral part of instruction. It features exhibitions during the fall and spring semesters which reflect professional work representing courses taught in the program.

INVERTED REALITIES Group Exhibition, Oxnard College, McNish Gallery, Curated by Gul Cagin; Photo courtesy of the gallery
A Project Space, Ventura To February 24, 2018 Free Or Best Offer: Marjorie and Bob Moskowitz 643 Project Space is pleased to present an exhibition of paintings by artists Marjorie and Bob Moskowitz. Both are artists in their own right, and they started working collaboratively in 2014. Marjorie is a landscape painter, influenced by artists such as, Diebenkorn, Monet, Klimpt, and Kiefer. Bob is a figurative painter who draws influence from the works of Caravaggio, Velazquez, Eakins, and Lucien Freud. Gallery hours are by appointment only. Call 805-289-6273
Art City Gallery and Studios, Ventura To March 18, 2018 Rugged Tableau: Paul Lindhard and John M. White Ventura-based Paul Lindhard has been an artist, sculptor, studio builder, producer and patron of the arts for over 50 years. He has dozens of monumental scale permanent public and private installations throughout Western United States, with a majority of works in Ventura City and County. John M. White is a painter, sculptor and performance artist. Some years ago, while living in Solimar Beach, White began looking at the detritus washed up on the sand: seaweed, driftwood, shells, etc. The resultant paintings were poetic and suggestive rather than descriptive.

Paul Lindhard and John M. White, Rugged Tableau, Art City Gallery and Studios; Poster courtesy of the gallery
Buenaventura Gallery, Ventura To March 10, 2018 The Works of Robert Wassell: A Benefit for the Buenaventura Art Association Longtime Buenaventura Art Association member, Robert Wassel, is exhibiting about 40 artworks documenting his backcountry hiking adventures in his singular, instantly recognizable painting style. Wassell is donating all sales proceeds to BAA, a nonprofit membership association of local artists. Contact: Sharon Taylor, executive director (805) 648-1235.

The Works of Robert Wassell: A Benefit for the Buenaventura Art Association, Buenaventura Gallery; Photo courtesy of the gallery
Dab Art , Ventura To March 25, 2018 Charles Pepper: Linear Park Dab Art is pleased to feature a new series of works by Charles Pepper in a small exhibit titled LINEAR PARK at the NAMBA Arts Space in Downtown Ventura.

Charles Pepper, Linear Park, Dab Art; Photo courtesy of the gallery
Fox Fine Jewelry, Ventura To Mar 11th, 2018 Hiroko Yoshimoto’s Paintings Hiroko Yoshimoto was born in Japan and became a US citizen in 1976. She has a BA and MA in art from UCLA and continued her studies in Florence, Italy at the Art Center College. Since her studies, Yoshimoto has exhibited her art internationally, with active exhibits in California, Colorado, Tokyo, Austria, and New York. Call Fox at (805) 652-1800
Very Ventura Gift Shop and Gallery, Ventura To March 4, 2018 Tranquility The exhibit features the vibrant paintings of William Burton and Joan (JJ) Prescott. Burton, a retired draftsman, works in acrylics, while Prescott paints in oils. They have combined their diverse talents to create Preston Fine Arts.

Preston Fine Arts, Tranquility, Very Ventura Gift Shop and Gallery; Photo courtesy of the gallery
Vita Art Center, Ventura To February 23, 2018 METTA National: Art in the Dark: Anna Karakalou with projection mapping by Panos Scourtis For our first exhibit of 2018 we will turn the lights out to create a unique experience of art in the dark. Multi-platform artist, Anna Karakalou will be exhibiting a fully immersive show at the Vita Art Center this February. Incorporating elements of traditional media, projection mapping (by Panos Skourtis), digital painting and an introspective soundscape.
WAV (Working Artists Ventura) Gallery, Ventura March 2, 2018 First Fridays Open Studios Come to the central courtyard to pick up a studio guide with a directory of the studios open this Friday from 6 to 9pm.
Museum of Ventura County, Ventura To April 8, 2018. In High Style: The Photography of Neal Barr Experience the highly-acclaimed fashion and beauty imagery of photographer Neal Barr. From his early beginnings in Ventura, CA to his fashion career in New York City and back again to Ventura.

Neal Barr, In High Style, Museum of Ventura County; Photo courtesy of the gallery
Museum of Ventura County, Ventura opened January 13, 2018 Avant-Garde Exhibit: Lori Cozen-Geller Local artist Lori Cozen-Geller creates geometric sculptures with cutouts, creating unique works driven by emotion and intuition. Working in wood or fiberglass overlaid with automotive paint, she explains her process as “a journey that begins with a feeling” and develops into a piece of art by “by freezing emotions and placing them into concrete form…as if the emotions themselves dictate the specifications of how the art is developed.” This exhibit is located in the Main Street Museum’s Nook.
Porch Gallery, Ojai Feb 1 – March 11, 2018 Thomas Fire Artists’ Recovery Exhibition Porch Gallery Ojai and The Carolyn Glasoe Bailey Foundation are pleased to announce the Thomas Fire Artists’ Recovery Exhibition to benefit the Thomas Fire Artist Recovery Fund – a grassroots initiative to raise, match, and distribute unrestricted cash grants to artists in the Ventura and Santa Barbara counties’ creative communities seriously affected by the Thomas fire.

Porch Gallery. “Thomas Fire Artists’ Recovery Exhibition” up through March 11. Artwork by Catherine Ruane
AD & A Museum, University of Santa Barbara To April 29, 2018 Chiura Obata: An American Modern Chiura Obata (1885–1975) was one of the most significant Japanese American artists working on the West Coast in the last century. This exhibition presents an unprecedented survey of Obata’s rich and varied body of work that includes over 150 superb paintings and personal effects, many of which have never been on public display.

Chiura Obata, Chiura Obata: An American Modern, AD & A Museum, University of Santa Barbara; Photo courtesy of the gallery
AD & A Museum, University of Santa Barbara To April 29, 2018 JANE GOTTLIEB PHOTOGRAPHS FRANCE Jane Gottlieb is a photographer living in So Cal where she was born and raised. In her early twenties she made her first trip to Paris. The images she took then, and in many subsequent trips, have been a touchstone of her life’s work. She has returned to them again and again in the last decades, changing them progressively to meet her vision of France as the technology available to her has advanced. But Gottlieb’s vision of France is not like anyone else’s. It is riotous in color, hyper-vibrant in energy, and deeply Californian, shot through with a purely Mexican palette.

Jane Gottlieb, JANE GOTTLIEB PHOTOGRAPHS FRANCE, AD & A Museum, University of Santa Barbara; Photo courtesy of the gallery
Santa Paula Art Museum, Santa Paula To June 17, 2018 Setting the Scene The exhibit will feature paintings by famous background artists who worked for film studios like Disney, MGM and 20th Century Fox during the Golden Age of Hollywood.

Setting the Scene, Santa Paula Art Museum; Photo courtesy of the gallery
#losangeles #california #OsvaldoTrujillo #losangelesartist #Disney #ArtCityGalleryandStudios #jennifercelio #BrianThomasJones #art #painting #santapaula #FoxFineJewelry #Alexissmith #ADampAMuseum #JohnMWhite #AlisonWoods #FrederickRWeismanMuseumofArt #RotemReshef #losangelesart #contemporaryart #GoldenAgeofHollywood #porchgallery #CharlesPepper #RicardoPalavecino #InternationalEncausticArtists #VeryVenturaGiftShopandGallery #HirokoYoshimoto #GulCagin #artistrunspace #JaneGottlieb #camarillo #abstract #collage #MarjorieMoskowitz #WilliamRollandGalleryofFineArt #SeanNoyce #DaniDodge #AnnaKarakalou #WilliamBurton #ojai #SantaPaulaArtMuseum #feminist #PanosScourtis #ThomasFireArtistsRecoveryExhibition #DomingaOpazo #SijiaChen #photography #artgallery #NealBarr #BrianPuamier #RoniFeldman #DavidLeapman #MuseumofVenturaCounty #AProjectSpace #Malibu #gallery #Pepperdine #ThousandOaks #oxnard #RobertWassell #ventura #JaimeBailon #OxnardCollege #artandcake #artopening #blackboardgallery #assemblage #FredWard #artexhibition #LAXWaxArt #ChiuraObata #ArtandCakeLA #PaulLindhard #fineart #KwanFongGallery #artists #UniversityofSantaBarbara #artist #DavidSpanbock #mixedmedia #arts #MGM #BuenaventuraGallery #carnegieartmuseum #artreview #TyPownall #ValerieWilcox #SessionsattheLoftArtGallery #WAVWorkingArtistsVenturaGallery #sculpture #artmagazine #JennyHager #BobMoskowitz #SionaBenjamin #artcollective #CalLutheranUniversity #ArtandCulture #AmyGreen #LoriCozenGeller #exhibition #BuenaventuraArtAssociation #EdGomez #latinamericanart #NicoleCohenPartipilo #McNishGallery #ThomasFire #vitaartcenter #StevenWolkoff #exhibit #oddvizcollective #maxpresneill #kiogriffith #JoanJJPrescott #20thCenturyFox #dabart #TheCarolynGlasoeBaileyFoundation #ChristopherWard #drawing #CAMStudioGallery