Facebook Events That Get You Noticed
By Kristine Schomaker
When I create the Art and Cake Art Calendar each week, I look at hundreds of Facebook event pages. It makes me cringe when I see an event where the only text in the description is “You are invited to my art opening” or no text at all. Then I have to go searching for the dates, the venue and the other important information I need if I want to attend. IMPORTANT NOTE: DON’T MAKE YOUR AUDIENCE WORK FOR IT! (Yea I did kinda yell there)
The key information about your event must be clear, concise and easy to find. Did you include the venue and your artist website? If a collector wants to buy something that they see in the event, have you made it as easy as possible for them to find you again? Here are my top 11 tips on creating an effective Facebook Event
1. It helps if the title should include either the artist name or the venue along with the title of the show. If there is room, add what kind of event this is. It’s the title that draws interest.
Examples of effective titles: Shift and Fade at BLAM Bibi Davidson: The Girl in the Red Dress The Face of Survival: Solo show of Lydia Emily Barbara T. Smith: Words, Sentences & Signs opening reception Without Design or Sketch: The Story of the Room at Launch L.A. Sally Bruno SURF SKATE SNOW

2. Even though Facebook asks for the date, time, location etc. Put all of this information in the event description again with the most important information at the top. Because Facebook only allows for a two week event length, it is important to put the event end date, especially if the event runs longer than two weeks. In the Facebook description field include: event title, artist(s), venue name and address, venue website and phone number, start and end dates, reception date; artist talk date, description of event and the artist(s) bio.
3. Your cover photo should be beautiful, eye catching and truly represent the event. Then use that same image on postcards and/or websites to brand the event.
4. Create the event under your business/artist page, not under your personal account.
5. Make sure the event audience is set to Public, unless you are creating a specifically private event. You can’t change that status after the event has been created.
6. Be sure the ‘guests can invite friends’ box is checked.
7. Engage with people on your Event Page. Start posting content when you create the event and continue posting regularly until the event closes. Create activity with conversations, asking questions, responding to all inquiries or comments and engaging readers for the greatest impact.
8. This may sound obvious, but be sure to share the event on your business page and personal timeline throughout the duration of the event. Invite everyone on your friends list.
9. Add the event to your page. Click the 3 dots for more information and then click ‘Add to Page.’ This allows the event to be added to your business page so anyone following your page can subscribe to the events and receive updates.
10. Share your Facebook Event on your other social media networks and to your mailing list.
11. Support other people’s events. Even if you aren’t able to go, we recommend that you mark that you are interested. This supports the host of the event by showing that people are interested and it helps improve the event’s standing on Facebook so it gets great exposure.
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