When Monica Marks texted me from Frieze, we had no idea her photos and experience would end up here, in Art and Cake. But once she mentioned how many photos she took, I jumped at the chance to share her experience.
Our text messages started at 11:44am and went something like this until 3:33pm.
Monica Marks sent me these first photos upon entering Frieze
Kristine Schomaker: YAY!! I’m so glad you went!! MM: Me too. Just got here LOL KS: Can’t wait to hear what you think MM:

KS: YAY! Great Jacket! MM: Thank you! I thrifted it months ago and forgot about it until I started organizing my bedroom haha … MM: I am fascinated by the different ways all the artists use negative space. That’s my first thought KS: Ohhh interesting MM: Oh geez. This place is a Tardis KS: Hahaha yep MM: Got you a thing
KS: Ohhhhhh thank you!!!! MM: Fascinated by how different artists use layers and edges. MM: Why are all these people cooler than me??? KS: LOL Never. But they are more experienced than you. The more you create the more you evolve. And remember take them off the pedestal and put yourself on the pedestal. MM: <3 <3 <3 KS: 🙂 MM: There’s art from Ed Ruscha here, and Keith Haring… things I don’t get to see usually! KS: Yep MM: My eyes are feasting! KS: YAY! I remember that’s how I was the first time I went. I knew it would be a lot today that’s why I couldn’t do it. MM: Oh I totally get it … MM: I want to try painting on linen or raw canvas KS: YES!!! MM: Haha I’m kind of excited KS: Awesome MM: Oh my God, I just wandered into an entire building. I didn’t know I hadn’t seen or that was here and I don’t know how I got here. LOL! KS: LOLOL MM: Dominique Moody… MM: I ran into Jason and Vojislav and they introduced me to her and I love her assemblage work. And they had to go and she and I talked for like 45 minutes!!! MM: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG KS: YAY!!! MM: So Cool! She is amazing! KS: Yea! 🙂 MM: She made me feel important as a woman assemblage artist. Honestly I’m holding back tears.
MM: Really enjoyed myself!! And honestly super proud I went by myself! KS: Yay! I’m so happy for you!
(Monica didn’t even complain to me until later about her feet hurting!)