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In the Artist’s Studio – A Photo Essay


Nancy Mooslin @nancymooslin I am in my studio ( unless I am traveling or out looking at art) generally M -F about 10:00AM till 5:00 PM. I am not always working that whole time, there is puttering time and reflecting time too. It is my happy place as we say… refuge, inspiration, work, struggle, problem solving, exploration, napping, snacking, listening, talking, sharing, all take place. Keeping regular hours is important. A reasonably organized space is important to me. Lots of supplies is important, I try to never shortchange the work. I try to never give up or quit on a piece, but sometimes that has to happen. The impetus for the next piece comes from the one you are working on. More ideas come to you than you will ever be able to execute and often that is a good thing. Some ideas need to go by the wayside. But keep working no matter what.

Joshua Elias @joshuaelias57

The studio and the working in the studio is part of the seamless existence as an artist for me, as well an oil painter. I work daily on either work, preparing for work, and listening to the work that is in process.

I encourage everyone to listen deeply to their own vision-what is inside. Meditation or inner reflection are vital and where everything germinates and gestates.

I take walks almost daily, usually around the Silverlake Reservoir. I look at flowers, trees , and people. I look at the light and the way it falls across flower petals, leaves, branches and faces and bodies. I take pictures, impressions without my phone or a camera. I listen to instrumental music as well as audio books. I also listen to talks from great curators like Helen Molesworth about the works of artists that I admire such as Joan Mitchell and Anselm Kiefer. In a non-self conscious way, indirectly I incorporate this in my vision at making art.

Ariel Cohen @arielcohen_art The creative drive is somewhat unpredictable for me, but once I get that itch– it must be scratched. I tend to go into the studio at least twice per week, for a few hours each time. I also have a full-time psychotherapy practice working with children, teens and families, so the balance between the two is actually quite nice. Lots of time in the company of others in one setting, more solitary and individual-based work in the other space. Some wisdom I’ve gathered along the way is to set goals for yourself. Self-imposed deadlines help me hold myself accountable to getting into the studio and realizing my creative visions. There’s nothing more satisfying than dreaming up an idea and then bringing it into the world outside of my mind. Also, community community community! Find others you relate to, know well, and trust. Find time to connect with them and support each other.

Hilary Baker @hilarybakerstudio

After seventeen years of freeway commuting to my mid-city studio, I am in the countryside now. Every morning I walk out my back door and into my studio among the oak trees. I am there daily, sometimes for a few hours and sometimes all day – until my eyes and brain need to rest. Whether or not I’m working towards an exhibition, the act of painting brings extraordinary calm and solace. When the weather is warm and my door is open, my two cats come in for a visit, along with the occasional lizard.

And while painting, when up against a problem, I reach back to the best advice I’ve ever been given: “Just do the work”. The rest will follow.

Mohan Sundaresan @mohanartlajolla My mind is always working. I need to work in my studio every day. My work is an experiment in colors.

Eva Montealegre @ladystarskull when you are in your studio do what you want

Kamelyta @GreenCamel69

I’m crazy busy with my work and my children, so I set the alarm at 8.15 every night to paint! I simply love painting. and because I paint with my finger, it pretty much rejuvenates and liberates me! It’s a direct transfer of my daily toil to the canvas!

As you can see, my studio is literally my living room floor. So my advice to artists, paint wherever as long as you paint! Take out those emotions, those feelings, those fantasies! Take them all out on your canvas!

Peter Wowkowych @peterwowkowych I love the light in my studio. That alone motivates me to be there for the early morning light aswell as the sunset light

We want to see your art studio!! Art and Cake is putting together regular Studio Photo Essays!

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