“We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents” ~Bob Ross

Sharon Kagan Los Angeles http://www.sharonkagan.com

Kerrie Smith Santa Barbara, CA https://www.kerriesmith.net/

Lindsey A Schulz Sebastopol CA http://www.lindseyaschulz.com

Sara Frantz Arroyo Grande and Los Angeles, CA http://www.sarafrantz.com

Renae Barnard Los Angeles, CA http://www.renaebarnard.com

Abby Sin Pasadena, CA http://www.abbysin.com

Rebecca Potts Los Angeles, CA http://www.rebeccapotts.com

Patter Hellstrom DTLA / Arts District http://www.patterhellstrom.com

Patricia Sannit Phoenix, AZ http://www.patriciasannit.com

Michael Collins Hermosa Beach http://www.mikecollinsart.com

Marleene Rubenstein Los Angeles, CA http://www.marleenerubenstein.com

Laura Larson Los Angeles, CA http://www.larsonart.net

Kristin Leachman Pasadena, CA. http://www.kristinleachman.com

Kathe Madrigal Laguna Beach, CA http://www.Kathemadrigal.com

Karen Kitchel Ventura, CA http://www.karenkitchel.com

Juan Gomez Long Beach, CA http://www.juangomez.org

Joan Tucker Los Angeles, CA http://www.joantucker.com

Jennifer Rugge Nevada City, CA http://www.jenniferrugge.com

Jackie Lesishman Claremont, CA http://www.jackieleishman.com

Francesca Bifulco and Alex Schetter Los Angeles, CA https://www.francescabifulco.com/

Emily Colvin Los Angeles, CA http://www.projectsatlarge.com

Daena Title Los Angeles, CA http://www.daenatitle.com

Christine Romanell East Orange, NJ http://www.christineromanell.com

Allison Butcher Topanga Ca https://www.abutcherart.com/

Annie Claval Long Beach, CA http://www.annieclavel.com

William Hemmerdinger https://williamhemmerdinger.com/

Terri Lloyd http://www.terrilloyd.net

Taly Bar Woodland Hills, CA http://www.artbytalybar.com
Art and Cake wants to see your art studio!!
Deadline Ongoing
We are going to be doing a regular photo essay series on the artist studio and would love to include your photos. (They must be taken by YOU. And you can submit if you participated previously)
Send only ONE high resolution photo (larger than 1200pixels) to artandcakela@gmail.com Include your name, city and website. Add “Artist Studio Photo Essay” in the subject Line.
We want a glimpse into your studio from your eyes. Where do you work? How do you work? This is your own studio, whether your kitchen, garage, established studio, etc.
No fee. International (share with your friends) Photos subject to approval.
#losangeles #california #losangelesartist #art #painting #ColeCase #losangelesart #contemporaryart #southerncalifornia #abstract #collage #EvieZImmer #photography #artgallery #culvercity #museum #artandcake #artopening #assemblage #artexhibition #installation #ArtandCakeLA #fineart #artists #artist #soloshow #mixedmedia #arts #environment #artreview #sculpture #artmagazine #ArtandCulture #exhibition #artiststudio #exhibit #drawing